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Birth Into Being

Weekend  Women Retreat, August 4th-6h in Big Sur

Paper Abstract

For our sisters

Hello Kindred Sister,

We invite you to come to the healing waters of Big Sur and to immerse yourself into the healing waters within. On August 4-6th, we are offering a deep dive into the ocean of healing, transforming the past around our birth stories to rebirth yourself anew.  


During this experiential workshop, you will go beyond cognitive understanding into your energetic, emotional, and sensorial experience of the world. We will be using a unique blend of techniques to reconnect with our original selves and with our bodies. It can be helpful if you can learn as much as possible about the circumstances of your conception and birth beforehand. Come prepared to experience breath work, dance, drama therapy, shadow work, guided visualization, and somatic healing as we journey to reclaim our energy and potential, our rebirth.


About the work:

During our retreat we will be working with a curriculum that was developed by Elena Tonetti in the Birth Into Being method. You will begin by working with the stories of how you were born (both collectively and individually) as a jumping off point for the way your nervous system has been imprinted and for its subsequent re-wiring. In addition, the curriculum will include somatic techniques such as neurodrama, NLP, EFT, as well as breath and energy work. I encourage you to acquaint yourself with the history of this method!



Yuli Smirnova will be facilitating this weekend workshop, with the gracious support of Grace and Duke in Jenny’s lovely Big Sur home. This will be an intimate women’s only workshop to cultivate a nurturing and safe space for us to dive deep together.  

Because accessibility is a core value for us, we offer 3 tuition tiers based on your capacity and needs:


$600 for private bedroom 

$450 for a shared bunk room 

$375 for camping on the surrounding land


First come first served basis and lodging is limited. In order to secure your spot in the workshop you will want to submit a deposit of $200 by midnight on July 1. This can be done via PayPal or Venmo @worldtreenetwork. Or if you would like to use a credit card, please reach out. 


Once we receive your deposit, we will send you the registration paperwork and detailed logistics. Please complete and return to Yuli: Yuli Smirnova <> before the start of the workshop. 


The deposit counts towards your tuition total and is 100% refundable up to 2 weeks before the start of the workshop. Cancellations that are up to 60 hours before the start of the workshop are eligible for a 50% refund on the deposit, and for cancellations that are less than 60 hours before the start of the workshop the deposit is non-refundable. 


Lodging: Lodging is included in the cost of your tuition. We are super blessed to have Jenny offering lodging on site for all participants. 



Meals Provided: Friday Dinner, Saturday Lunch and Dinner, Sunday Lunch and Dinner. Meals are: Organic and Seasonal with Soup, Grains, Assorted Vegetables, and Salad.  We also provide snacks, tea, and filtered water. Please bring your breakfast foods and any personal snacks you may need. Please let us know of any allergies. Once you register we will provide the menu for the weekend. 


If you have any questions and would like to learn more about our offering.  


We are looking forward to being together in a beautiful, healing and powerfully transformative way!


Yuli, Grace, Jenny, and Duke


Schedule Flow for the Weekend Retreat


FRIDAY: Beginning our Healing Journey of Rebirthing


5PM :Dinner 


6:30PM Introductions 

Creating a Sacred and Trusted Circle: Covering Confidentiality and Accountability.

Movie: “Birth As We Know it” and begin our conversations regarding our birth. 


8:30PM: Lights out


SATURDAY: Making Friends and Amends with Our Nervous System


7:30-9AM Breakfast


9AM: Music in the main house- Invitation to movement dancing, yoga, light stretches, 


10AM: Lecture and explorations into the Tribrain process/ We will explore the cortex, the nervous system, 

Yuli will demonstration the tribrain process. We will break up into small groups and work on our individual Tribrain processes.


1PM:  Lunch around 1pm


2:30: Check in and deepening into the  Tribrain process work

Introduce and practice the Core Cries  process, getting deep into the things that are holding you back.  Diving into underworld of self. Release work what is held there, 

We will do a practice in Reclaiming fragmented self 


6PM: Dinner 


7:30: Optional offerings of integration Integration offerings: Tapping, somatic movement, healing and chanting circle—kriya yoga


SUNDAY:Limbic Imprint Recoding


7:30-9AM Breakfast


9AM Music in the main house- Invitation to movement dancing, yoga, light stretches, 


10AM: Brief check in

Breath work and somatic Trance work with movement 

Rewriting conception of birth and birth stories and traumas experienced during birth somatically.

Limbic Imprint recoding with guided meditation.


1PM:  Lunch 

Check in

Core Cries Practice

Integrating and recalibrating the work of rewriting, rewiring, and rebirthing ourselves from the core.


Dinner 6pm

Optional:  7PM Closing with Tea ceremony 



Yuli Bio: 

Wellness, healing, spirituality and mental health and transformation have been a part of my path the majority of my life. I began as a cycle breaker within my own family, working through the chains of generational trauma, doing the shadow work, and bringing truth to light. The Birth Into Being method entered my sphere of awareness in 2011 when I was studying to be a birth worker, and became a modality I was certified to facilitate in 2015. I have been working within the birthing field ever since. I love this work for the ways in which it has allowed me to heal my own pain and rewrite my story, as well as for the honor of being called to witness and facilitate the healing and transformation of so many others. I’m deeply grateful for Graces invitation to collaborate in offering this work to the women in our respective and shared communities.


Grace Bio:

Grace is  deeply dedicated to love, celebration and healing ourselves and our world together.  She  has served as a shamanic healer for 20 years.  She has a 5 Element Chinese Medicine practice, Masters in Chinese Medicine, Reiki Master, Certified Western and Chinese Herbalist. Certified Death Doula and has been serving as prebirth and post birth doula to friends and families for several years. She is an ordained Mystic Gnostic Priest and spiritual coach. She leads qi gong, meditations, and co-leads a Mystery School of Ma’at and co-facilitate tours to Egypt with Dee Kennedy. 



Beautiful and multitalented Artist. She created our  flyer  and is our kind host for this weekend workshop. 



Leads meditation, yoga, and qi gong. He was the cook at the Tibetan Buddhism Ashram where he lived for several years. He will be our personal chef for the retreat. 

Facilitators' Bio
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