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                Ishadai  Grace Jones                                             Master Hynoong Sunim                            Jaguang Sunim  

Pictured here is Ishadai Grace with Master Hynoong Sunim and Jaguang Sunim. She is a lineage holder of the Five Element system of Astrology and Practice trained  by Master Sunim and Jaguang Sunim.  After they retired, they were gracious to have her continue this work.  She continues to practice this 5 Element system to this day. 





Ishadai Grace

She brings together 25 years of training and cultivation in the healing field, spiritual arts, and shamanic transformation emotional work. She holds a Masters Degree in Chinese Medicine and is a certified Western and Eastern Herbalist, Aromatherapist, 5 Element Practitioner and Astrologer, Reiki Master, Prebirth and Death Doula. She has led meditation and yogic practices since 2001.  She has extensively trained with spiritual masters in Daoism, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, and is an ordained Mystic Gnostic Priest.  She Facilitates and co-leads a Mystery School: Master Alchemy and Ascension Training for Priest and Priestess .in the lineage of Egyptian Mysteries of Thoth, Ma'at, Sekmet, and Hathor.  

She supports the work of the soul through shamanism, lucid channeling, healing energy work, and through traditional vehicles such as 5 Element and Relationship Compatibility Readings and 5 Element Practice. She offers spiritual and life coaching. As a Minister, she officiates ceremonies, such as Weddings, Handfasts, and Eulogies.  She is currently writing lucidly channeled books and completing her doctorate in Medical Qigong. 


Serving as an Oracular High Priestess, Healer, and Shaman, Ishadai channels the Divine to directly facilitate healing, transformations and to support our awakening as a collective.  She works in unconventional ways, communicating with the unseen realms to heal at the soul level. 


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