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SOULAR Nonprofit Projects

We are visionaries, dreamers, and healers with a mission to create a more beautiful and kind world through the artistry of our sacred nature: the healing arts, the spiritual arts, the educational arts. We volunteer and support our local communities and learning villages that are aligned with our vision. One learning village we support is Luminary Learning Village. 

We are dedicated to supporting transformation and change from the core of who we are. fLet our soul shine, awakening the SOULAR within to power our truth of who we are into our world. It is time to empower and honor our deepest self, allowing the aspect of us that is wise, connected, and eternal to light the way of our evolution as a species and in visioning the world we are creating together. 

We are in a time of great and deep transitions and transformations.  Our broken world is a reflection of our disconnected and separate self within and with each other. The stability we seek is not outside of us. Our true stability is the reflection of our inner core.

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Tax Deductible Gift.
EIN: 85-1092352


Thank you for your 
generosity and your support.


One of our youths helping out at REAP. 

About Us

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Internal Affairs

Rachael Shishido is an astrologer, yoga teacher, dancer, and percussionist who loves gardening, hiking, singing, spiritual practices and living a life aligned with natural law, sustainability, and being a beneficial presence for self, other and world.

Fnnovative technologist with 15 years’ experience building highly connected internet applications, including cryptography, social networks, and blockchain applications. At the same time he has spent years learning qigong and awareness practices for transforming emotions and engaging in conscious evolution. He dreams of an education which treats the whole being and nourishes the soul as well as the mind, and is planning to build collaboration and coordination tooling to connect the Aerion cooperatives and provide equitable access to project-based learning tools for every learner.. 
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Angela is a licensed acupuncturist. She is committed in supporting her patients to heal so that they can achieve their highest potential. 


Visionary Director

Ishadai is dedicated to celebrating life through love, surrender, and service.    She is the Visionary Director of Aerion Learning Communities and Castle Gatherings.  She has a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has devoted 20 years of her life in energy transformational healing work. She holds various titles: Christian Mystic Priest, Priestess, Yogi, Certified Herbalist, Five Element Practitioner & Astrologer, Death Doula, and Reiki Master. She is currently finishing her Doctorate in Medical Qi Gong. She leads meditation, shamanic activations, qigong, and healing workshops. She works as spiritual advisor and coach.
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