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The 5 Elements 

Everything living thing is made up of 5 elements. 

Being a part of nature, we are an expression of the five attributes. The relationships between the elements greatly determines our natural constitution and predispositions to health: spirit, energy, and body, which influences even minor things like our habits, hobbies, and spiritual inclinations.

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General overview of the 5 Element System


The 5 Element system can be found in different cultures throughout the ages. The premise of this system is that everything that exists in this earthly realm can be deduced into 5 main elements: Earth, Metal/Gold/Space/Ether, Water, Wood/Air, and Fire.  The elements defined here as qualities of change and transformation. These 5 elements can be considered as subtle matter states or energy; as matter and energy which are interconnected states on the continuum of existence.


These are the fundamental elements of everything in the universe between which interactions occurs.  By understanding them and their influences in of our lives, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, we can better understand how it also plays a key role in understanding how we create our reality because what we create reflects our state and consciousness. By understanding and working with these elemental forces, we are better equipped to engage with our lives.  We have a better framework in how to heal and navigate within these elemental qualities that mold us. For what we create in the world is a reflection of where we are coming from and what we are cultivating within. 




The Great 5 Elements of Nature


The 5 elements represent the cosmology of nature defined by the 5 Elements.  It is a multidimensional macro and micro of existence, expression and ideas. The elements, the basic building blocks of everything from our subtle to the gross is communicating to us at the energetic, emotional, and physical levels of our being. If we do not listen at the subtle level, the dis-ease of the energies can materialize as disease, health issues at the physical level. There is no judgement or story about the elements processes within our lives. We do not identify or attach to the emotions, but rather understand that is how our nature is simply communicating to us. 


Earth represents the solid state of matter. It manifests stability, permanence, and rigidity. The body parts that are particularly thick, stable, massive, heavy, coarse, and hard; Earth endows resolve, power to withstand and endure. It is associated with the digestive system (Spleen and Stomach). When it Is healthy, intelligence naturally arises. When it is weak and/or unstable, the body shows patterns of worry, anxiety (fearful anxiety) and insecurity denoting that the subtle energies: the emotions and thoughts are not being digested properly. We not only digest food, but also thoughts and emotions. When we are better able to digest at the subtle levels, it will support our body to digest bigger issues and more dense things like food. In the mind, the thoughts and their constant motion is well represented by the earth. The intention or “yi” is housed in spleen. We begin with intention. Our qi and blood follows our intention, without awareness of intention, we scatter our energies. We direct our energies intentionally, that is how we can fully awake as a whole being. We guide our lives beginning with our intention and the intelligence of our earth element. 


Metal/Space/Ether is the space in which everything happens. The vacant spaces inside the body, big and small channels, along with sound and auditory sense are predominant in Space by nature. It is the field that is simultaneously the source of all matter and the space in which it exists. In this way, the space is also the container which holds everything, likened to metal which is used to contain things. Metal is associated with the Lungs and Large Intestine. When it is imbalanced or weak sadness is prolonged in the body; when healthy and functioning, it is able to process sadness to reveal integrity of the whole. This can be seen in the breath, the sadness is known to be like the exhale or “vacuuming out” releasing what may have caused the sadness, we are not made to hold onto the past, but move through it, learn and cultivate the lessons, the access and be nourished by its gift and experience. We release with the exhale, so that we can bring new energy that will support us in who we are and what we are cultivating within, while maintaining the awareness that the silent pause within, The chief characteristic of ether or metal is the breath, the nose its orifice. In the mind, it creates an expansive potential to meditate and be quiet. Through the breath, we come to present and as host for all of our reality, we come to see we are like the vast open sky, we choose what we hold and let go, like the inhales and exhales, remember in between there is the eternal pause, the eternal within that beyond this life, we need not the breath. The spirit that is housed in the lungs is the corporeal soul. This soul returns to the earth after we die, it is what animates our body and allows us to move and function in the world.  



Water characterizes eternal flow and is always unstable by nature, It is a liquid state and is a majority composer of various fluid substances inside our body – blood, lymph, urine, intracellular fluid, and even emotions that often possess a liquid and sticky, clingy, cohesive quality. Water flows through our being, distributing nutrition, carrying away wastes, regulating temperature by imparting a cooling effect, strengthening and moistening our being by distributing the essence, throughout the body; and making our cells hydrated and youthful with fluid. The sense of hearing and listening is associated with Water.  The orifice is the ears. When imbalanced, fear arises (unnecessary fears). When it is better stabilized and healthy, wisdom naturally arises and can be accessed. The Water element is associated with the kidneys which houses the prenatal qi (ancestral energy) postnatal qi (current energy assimilated from food, liquids, and energy). The Kidneys holds the energy reserves of the body and is responsible for the development of the bones. Zhi, the will to live is the energy that is housed in the kidney area. 


Air/Wood is the element that is mobile and eternally dynamic, cultivation, growth with no arrest, whatsoever. Its constant motion and speed is its unique characteristic. Its orifice are the eyes and it is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder.  Anger (cold or hot anger) is the main emotion felt when this element is not in integrity with the whole. The Eyes are the orifice, which shines and twinkles to reveal the eternal soul’s observation within. When healthy, the Air/Wood element reveals its compassion. The Wood element is also associated with the menses and detoxing and regulating blood in the body. Together, with the kidneys, it is responsible for reproduction, not only for next generation, but our own reproduction. Every 7 years, our bodies has amassed anew; we are constantly generating new cells, from that tissues, and at the subtle levels patterns and habits when living consciously when we cultivate at the depth or soul level of our being. 


Fire is the power to transform, burn, and illumine. In the body, all food and substances, be they solid, liquid, or gaseous in nature, thanks to Fire, get transformed or converted into tissue and energy. In the mind, fiery intelligence and fiery emotions, along with passion, contribute to a fiery experience of the being and at the heart of it all- love. Heat, luster, along with Fire dominant in nature. Fire is associated with the heart, blood and blood vessels. The eternal spirit is housed in the Shen which is the energetic heart. When it is healthy and open, joy naturally arises. When it is weak or imbalanced, nervousness, frustration due to unmet expectations and feelings of disconnect from self can emerge. The fire is the quickest transforming element, supporting our cultivation and alchemy of our lives at the most subtle levels. The spirit housed in the Shen is eternal and continues to live after the body dies. 


The Five Element Correspondences




























The 5 Element Healing Clock


Our body has its own rejuvenation cycle. When we are in deep sleep and rest our whole body can systemically access more energy to heal itself and support its healing and rejuvenation naturally. The body is intelligent, and if we attune to it and its cycles, we can support its optimal function.  Besides the time of deep sleep and rest, each organ also receives 2 hours of dedicated time to its healing and rejuvenation, unless it is being used to fight off an illness in the body.  If we attune to these healing cycles of the organs and energy channels, we can add to the potency of that element’s (organ’s) healing. During our session, I may have recommended a therapeutic protocol, acupressure points to press, massage, reflexology, breathing practice, power nap/break, essential oils, and herbs.  If you can, please synchronize those suggestions with the healing time of the organ that is being addressed to maximize its potency.  Please do not stress or exert yourself if the syncing is not realistic or possible. You can also tune into this 5 element clock to synchronize with your body’s physical natural flow of the day, bringing more awareness to your body’s processes.  


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